This story is written as a part of Mommy Guilt contest on Women’s web . And the good news is that, although this entry hasn’t won, it has received a mention on the Women’s web blog as one of the notable entries :) Bela was a healthy and intelligent woman of 25 married only for a year. Holding the strip in her hand over the sink all she could feel was disgust. She did not want a baby now, not now. She was in the peak of her career. Her boss had proposed for her to go to the US for 3 months and she had been looking forward to it. He had also hinted that she may have to be there longer. And now she would have to drop it. All because of the baby who did not find a better time to arrive than this. Naina was 26, intelligent and married to a healthy 27 year old guy she loved. She planned to have a baby after a year, she wanted to spend a year with her husband before the baby came. She needed the year free from cleaning nappies and staying awake to shut the baby’s whines. But her husb...